Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki
Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

Aku-Aku is both a character and an item found in Crash Bandicoot.


When Aku Aku spawns, fighters can pick up the mask and it will begin to circle around the fighter. Up to three Aku Aku masks can be collected at once. When three Aku Aku masks are collected, Aku Aku will be worn like a mask, and the Fighter will gain invincibility for a brief period of time. When the fighter has less than three masks, the fighter can absorb around ~15% damage before the masks will disappear. The fighter takes no damage if the masks are lost, but the fighter will lose the chance to gain incivility until the Aku Aku item spawns again. Once the first Aku Aku mask spawns in the other two will spawn in relatively soon, similar to the daybreak and dragoon items. This spawn period ends as soon as the masks are lost, or the invincibility period ends.

