Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki
This article is about Alear's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Infinite. For other uses, see Alear.
Smash Infinite flavor text
—Description from the Super Smash Blog.

Alear (リュール, Lueur) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Infinite. She was officially revealed during a Smash Infinite Direct on November, and released during the Four Titans event storyline. Alear is classified as Fighter #134.

Laura Stahl and Aya Endou reprise their roles as providers of voice to the female Alear, while Brandon McInnis and Hiro Shimono return to voice the male Alear.






Ground Attacks[]

Aerial Attacks[]

Grabs and Throws[]

Special Attacks[]


Ground Attacks[]


Smash Attacks[]

Other attacks[]

Aerial Attacks[]

Grabs and Throws[]

Special Moves[]

Alear's Special Moves
Standard Special Excalibur/Engage Special
Alear unleashes a torrent of wind which rises about and launches the opponent into the air. The magic is centered around Alear making it an effective defensive move.
  • IkeEruption: Alear delivers a possibly charged Eruption with Ike.
  • CorrinDragon Fang Shot: Alear unleashes a possibly charged Dragon Fang Shot along with
Side Special Dragon's Fist/Engage Special
Alear charges with energy before unleashing a flurry of fist strikes similar to Dancing Blade, the first hit being a left straight punch, the second being a right hook and the final hit dependent on input direction: straight ahead ends with a final dual palm strike that sends the foe flying, upwards-angled caps with an uppercut and downwards-angled ends with an overhead cudgel that spikes.

When the Engage Meter is full and the Emblem is engaged, Alear has access to a mapped special to this to do an attack that character Alear is engaged with. The following specials are:

  • RoyFlare Blade: Alear performs a possibly charged Flare Blade along with Roy.
  • ChromFlare Blade: Alear performs a possibly charged Flare Blade with Chrom.
  • RobinArcfire: Alear casts a possibly charged Arcfire.
  • AnnaBallista: Alear unleashes a possibly charged Ballista with Anna.
Up Special Draconic Crash
Alear jumps into the air and does a downward slash. It has high air movement by pushing forward at the end of the upwards travel distance to move Alear more forward. This is similar to Power Dunk but with more higher upwards mobility. This can cause Alear to Alearicide if they miss the ledge or go off the ledge but can meteor smash airborne opponents.
Down Special Bolganoe/Engage Special
Alear slams him sword into the ground or will stall and fall and channel their Divine Dragon energy into the ground. It causes a geyser to shoot up and then travel forward in a straight line several spaces in front of him
  • MarthCounter: Alear performs a Counter along with Marth.
  • LucinaCounter: Alear performs a Counter along with Lucina.
  • BylethAmyr: Alear delivers a crushinng blow from Amyr along with Byleth.
Final Smash Divinely Inspiring/Engage Final Smash
When not engaged, Alear performs Divinely Inspiring which summons a pillar of Holy Light which seeks out opponents and detonates. It has the added benefit of healing Alear for every hit it does. When Alear has an Emblem engaged, then the Final Smash then becomes an Engage Final Smash:
  • With Marth, Alear does Lodestar Rush which is is a combined Critical Strike but with more distance.
  • With Lucina, Alear does One for All which is a combined Critical Strike.
  • With Roy, Alear does Blazing Lion which is a combined Critical Strike.
  • With Chrom, Alear does Awakening Aether which is a combined version of Corrin's version.
  • With Ike, Alear does a combined version of Great Aether.
  • With Robin, Alear does Giga Levin Sword which electrifies Emblem Chrom's sword as he does damage.
  • With Corrin, Alear does Torrential Roar which is a combined version of Corrin's attack.
  • With Marth, Alear does Goddess Dance which is a combined version of Progenitor God Ruptured Heaven.
  • With Anna, Alear does What a Deal which is a combined version of Anna's but with each Anna seen in Fire Emblem's past being Emblematic form.
  • With Alear, Alear does Dragon Blast which unleashes a Zero Laser-like blast across the stage.


  • Up Taunt: Alear holds out their hand which causes the twelve Emblem rings to radiate out and spin around their hand. They will say "Emblems, engage!"
  • Down Taunt: Alear holds out his sword as they glow and says "I've got this."
  • Right Taunt: Alear swipes his sword forward which causes a wave of energy to seep out.
  • Left Taunt: Sommie comes out and bounces around before Alear bends down to pet it.

On-Screen Appearance[]

  • Alear appears along with their selected Emblem. Alear will say "Our foes are strong."
    • Marth: Spins while exiting the magical circle and brandishes the sword.
    • Lucina: Spins while existing the magical circle but doe snot throw off the mask.
    • Roy: Appears with a sword planted in the ground before rising back up.
    • Chrom: Appears with Chrom with their swords planted in the ground.
    • Ike: Appears while waving his sword forward while jumping out of the magical circle.
    • Robin: Spins out of the magical circle with a book of spells in their hand.
    • Corrin: Appears as a Dragon-like construct similar to Corrin ans transforms.
    • Byleth: Alear appears and takes out a teacher's pointer and taps their hand.
    • Anna: Alear walks out along with Anna from her shop.
    • Alear: Allear appears with Alear from a magical circle and twirl together before nodding.

Idle Poses[]

  • Alear swipes their sword into the air slightly.
  • Alear swipes their hair to the side.

Victory Poses[]

  • Alear appears via magic circle and rushes the camera before striking down.
  • Somme comes charging and runs between Alear's legs before jumping up and causing Alear to catch them.
  • Alear summons forth their Emblem that they are Engaged with who does a sword-holding pose back to back.

Classic Mode Route: Emblems Engaged[]

Alear comes equipped with an Emblem of their choice. Matches are fought with Stamina Matches of one stock each which is based on Fire Emblem's gameplay. In addition, enemies have a "Dark Emblem" based on one from the original game which is a red palettte version of Fire Emblem characters.

Round Opponent Stage Music Notes References
1 Ganondorf
Red Marth
Hyrule Castle
2 Joker
Red Anna
3 Wolf
Red Byleth
Lylat Cruise
4 Mewtwo
Red Corrin
Area Zero
5 Sephiroth
Red Robin
6 Kazuya
Red Roy
Mishima Dojo
BONUS Race to the Finish!
FINAL Nightmare
Red Ike
Ostrheinsburg Chapel

In competitive play[]

To be added

Palette Swaps[]

Alear Palette (SSBI)
White Based on Alear's female avatar in Fire Emblem Engage.
White Based on Alear's male avatar in Fire Emblem Engage.
Red Based on Framme, a Steward of Dragon and someone Alear met at the start of the game.
Green Based on Clanne, a Steward of Dragon and someone Alear met at the start of the game.
Cyan Based on the character, Solm.
Brown Based on the character, Diamant.
Purple Based on the character, Ivy.
Yellow Based on the character, Alfred
Blue Based on their mother, Lumeria,
Black Based on the bFell Dragon, Sombron.
Dark Red Based on the Fell Child class of female Past Alear.
Dark Red Based on the Fell Child class of male Past Alear.

External links[]

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