Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki
This article is about Gholdengo's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond. For other uses, see Gholdengo.
Surf's up in Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond as Gholdengo makes waves in the match! Use its golden body to your advantage with Make It Rain, using coins to quite literally make its opponents pay!
—Description from the Super Smash Blog.

Gholdengo (サーフゴー, Surfugo), is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond. It was officially revealed during a Nintendo Direct as one of the fighters of the Beyond rerelease of the original game. Gholdengo is classified as Fighter #121.

Kellen Goff voices Gholdengo in international versions of Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond while Kappei Yamaguchi voices Gholdengo in Japanese versions of the game.






Ground Attacks[]

Aerial Attacks[]

Grabs and Throws[]

Special Attacks[]


Ground Attacks[]


Smash Attacks[]

Other attacks[]

Aerial Attacks[]

Grabs and Throws[]

Special Moves[]

Gholdengo’s Special Moves
Standard Special Pay Day
Tapping Neutral Special has Gholdengo rapidly toss coins in front of him with both of his hands - simply tapping it will have him toss 10 coins incredibly quickly. If you hold Neutral Special, he'll continually keep tossing the coins - and it's also possible to change the direction in which the coins are being tossed by holding up or down on the control stick whilst holding the attack input, similar to Inkling's Splattershot attack in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

These coins have a few unique properties - they're gravity-affected and spread slightly with distance, and whilst each coin does minimal damage, they do inflict flinching and push the opponent backward slightly to prevent infinite jabs. It also stops you by default after you fire a continual 150 coins, but you can hold the button again to get right back to it if you so desire. The main catch to this attack is that it continually uses up your reserve of Gimmighoul Coins, depleting them as a form of ammunition pretty rapidly.

Side Special Make It Rain
This move's also a projectile, though a little different. Gholdengo can charge this attack by holding down the special button, with from 20 up to 50 Gimmighoul Coins being gathered into it. He'll then toss these tightly bound Coins forward in an arc, which will detonate akin to a shrapnel bomb upon impact with an opponent, item, or surface. It's possible to slightly aim this arc by holding up or down a little on the control stick whilst inputting it, and even if the "bomb" itself doesn't hit the opponent directly, the coins that bounce outward from the point of impact might do (with minor flinching damage.) The amount of damage and knockback will increase if you use more Gimmighoul Coins, though similarly to Pay Day, this attack directly taps into your supply of Gimmighoul Coins as a source of ammunition. However, you can't detonate it remotely - it'll detonate automatically on contact with an object of some sort unless it's being reflected.
Up Special Heavy Slam
Gholdengo bounces off his surfboard as though it were a diving board, curling into a ball and hurtling in the direction of the joystick. This deals a default of 12.5% but deals more or less damage based on the weight difference between itself and the foe. Has a medium-to-low default kill percentage.
Down Special Power Gem
Gholdengo takes out the small treasure chest on its belt and opens it up: the closest foe in a range similar to Palutena's Autoreticle will be locked on and hit with a stream of golden energy for as long as Gholdengo holds the button and for as long as that foe is the closest. This beam deals about 2% per half-second, but no knockback until 20% has been accrued in total. The knockback is enough to make this a kill move.
Shield Special Gimmighoul Coins
 Gholdengo manifests a chest next to him, inside of which is a Gimmighoul (in reference to his pre-evolution, Chest Form Gimmighoul.) Whilst holding this input, he'll rapidly gather Gimmighoul Coins from the chest and stuff them into his own pouch, which he wears on his belt. It's possible to cancel out of this with a jump, or a directional input which will have him dodge. The effects of having more or less Gimmighoul Coins are indicated in the section above.
Final Smash 1000-Coin Tera Blast
Gholdengo Terastallizes into a Steel-type, the axe-shaped Tera Jewel forming above its head as the crystals before attacking with a golden Tera Blast using the Steel-type variant as a base. Anyone caught in the blast will be caught in a Meta Knight-style FS: the Tera Blast bursts to become a sphere of 1000 coins surrounding the foes. Gholdengo then points its finger at one of the coins and fires a single blast that ricochets off all 1000 coins before launching foes with a large golden explosion. This FS deals a total of 100% damage on hit. In training mode, you’ll see that this move racks up 1002 hits, including the initial hit and final explosion.


  • Up Taunt: Takes out his surfboard and holds it upright while spinning it.
  • Right Taunt: A Gimmighoul jumps out and dances around Gholdengo.
  • Left Taunt: Pulls out a treasure box and jumps into it before jumping back out with a surprise.
  • Down Taunt: Showers the area with coins. It does cause Gholdengo to lose 10 coins as a result.

On-Screen Appearance[]

  • A pokeball is thrown out and Gholdengo jumps out with a flash of golden light and coins scattering everywhere.

Idle Poses[]

  • Shakes his golden hair appendages back and forth.
  • Hops up and down excitedly.

Victory Poses[]

  • Gholdengo surfs into the screen, before jumping off it; lands, and strikes a pose by lifting their hands in celebration.
  • A Gimmighoul opens its chest, as Gholdengo arrives and smiles while facing the screen.

The victory platform is completely flooded with golden treasures as the camera focuses on Gholdengo sledding along the mountains of gold. After *Gholdengo leaps off a mountain, he performs a sick board trick while the announcer says its name before it continues to have fun in the mountains of gold around it, which loops until you leave.

Classic Mode Route: Go for the Gold[]

All opponents are character that has a Gold-colored palette swap.

Round Opponent Stage Music Notes References
1 Captain Falcon Port Town Aero Dive Team Star Boss Battle Theme
2 Roy Dragon Altar Academy Ace Tournament Theme
3 Ridley Ridley's Lair Battle! (Trainer Battle Theme)
4 Peach Golden Plains Champion Nemona Battle Theme
5 ROB Gyromite Battle! (Tera Raid)
6 Donkey Kong Jungle Japes Elite Four - Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
BONUS Race to the Finish
FINAL Giant Kazuya Mishima Dojo Wild Battle (Area Zero)

In competitive play[]

To be added

Palette Swaps[]

Gholdengo Palette (SSBIB)
Gold Based on his current appearance in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
Silver Based on metallic substances as well as the pokemon, Melmetal who is also a Steel-type pokemon.
Orange Based on the mineral copper as well as the Steel-type pokemon, Copperajah.
Blue Based on the mineral cobalt as well as references the Steel-type pokemon Lucario and Metagross.
Brown Based on Fools Gold or False Gold as well as the steel-type pokemon, Varoom.
Tan Based on the mineral known as sandstone as well as the steel-type pokemon, Mawhile.
Black Based on the mienral onyx or coal as well as the ghost-type pokemon, Ghastly.
Green Based on the gemstone jade and references the grass-type pokemon, Decidueye who shares it's secondary typing with Gholdengo's.
White Based on diamonds and crystals as well as referencing the ghost and normal-type pokemon, Hsuian Zoroark.
Red Based on rubies as well as red sand and references the pokemon Basculegion.
Purple Based on the gemstone amethyst and references Ghastly's final evolution, Gengar.
Light Blue The only one not based on a precious stone or mineral nor another Steel or Ghost-type Pokemon but, rather, on it's Shiny Form.

External links[]

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