Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki
Note: If you want to listen to the songs, just click on the title.

This is a list of Music that originates from the Dragon Quest series that appears in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, all of which come with the Hero Challenger Pack as a part of Fighters Pass Volume 1.


Note: All songs play on Yggdrasil's Altar and all Smash Bros. stages in Infinite.

Title Description Details Game of Origin
Overture - (DRAGON QUEST) Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest
Beyond the Waves Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest
Adventure - DRAGON QUEST III The Overworld theme from Dragon Quest III. Directly ripped from the rhythm game spin-off Theatrhythm Dragon Quest.

This song is used in Hero's reveal trailer, but the version that is used is the one performed live by the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra instead of the MIDI version included in Ultimate.

Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation
Fighting Spirits - DRAGON QUEST III The battle theme from Dragon Quest III. Directly ripped from Theatrhythm Dragon Quest. Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation
Battle for the Glory - DRAGON QUEST IV The battle theme from Dragon Quest IV. Directly ripped from Theatrhythm Dragon Quest. Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
Wagon Wheel's March The final Overworld theme from Dragon Quest IV that plays when the party has been fully assembled. Directly ripped from the board game spin-off Fortune Street. Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
Gypsy Dance Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
Through the Fields/Wandering through the Silence/Another World Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
Violent Enemies Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride Almighty Devil Boss is Challenged] Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Fighting Spirit (Dragon Quest VII) Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past
War Cry The battle theme from Dragon Quest IV. Directly ripped from Theatrhythm Dragon Quest. Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Marching Through the Fields One of the Overworld themes from Dragon Quest VIII that plays when riding a Great Sabrecat. Directly ripped from the 3DS version of Dragon Quest VIII. Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Are You a Loser Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
The Time of a Decisive Battle Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
Melody of the Blade Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest X: Awakening of the Five Tribes Online
The Hero Goes Forth with a Determination The Overworld theme, directly ripped from the original version of Dragon Quest XI. Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Unflinchable Courage An extended version of the battle theme, directly ripped from the original version of Dragon Quest XI. Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Bustling Town Composition and Arrangement: Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age


  • Though all of the Dragon Quest tracks have versions played by a live orchestra (such as the versions of "Overture" and "Adventure" heard in Hero's reveal trailer), Ultimate uses the MIDI arrangements, most of which come from Theatrhythm Dragon Quest.
    • This is likely due to licensing issues with series composer Koichi Sugiyama, who owns the rights to the series' soundtracks instead of Square Enix themselves, which is a regular practice at the company.
      • It is probably due to these licensing issues that Dragon Quest is the only major series in Smash Bros. to not receive any new remixes, victory fanfare included (as that is also ripped from Theatrhythm Dragon Quest).
    • As the Dragon Quest music is owned by an individual rather than the IP owner, they share this unique distinction with songs from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, the first two Sonic the Hedgehog games, Culdcept, Soma Bringer, and Style Savvy: Styling Star, as well as the promotional singles from Pikmin.