Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

! The Smashboards thread and Wikia will be deleted in 24 hours. This will also include the Infinite thread. !


Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki
Note: If you want to listen to the songs, just click on the title.

This is a list of music tracks originating from [[Hades in Super Smash Bros. Infinite and Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond. All tracks listed here are available to play on The Underworld.


Title Description Details Game of Origin Appears In
No Escape Hades SSBI Icon
The Painful Way Hades SSBI Icon
In the Blood Hades SSBI Icon
Out of Tartarus Hades SSBI Icon
Mouth of Styx Hades SSBI Icon
Through Asphodel Hades SSBI Icon
God of the Dead Hades SSBI Icon
The Unseen Ones Hades SSBI Icon
Wretched Shades Hades SSBI Icon
The Bloodless Hades SSBI Icon

