Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki
Note: If you want to listen to the songs, just click on the title.

This is a list of Music that originates from the Rayman and the Rabbids series that have appeared throughout the Super Smash Bros. series.


Note: All songs play on Glade of Dreams, as well as on all Smash Bros. stages in Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond.


Title Description Details Game of Origin Appears In
The Dream Forest (Remix) Rayman
Cloak of Darkness (Remix) Rayman
The Hall of Doors Rayman 2
The Precipice Rayman 2
Top of the World (Dance Remix) Rayman 2
Rayman's Theme (Remix) Rayman M/Arena
Hoodoo Sorcerer (Remix) Rayman 3
Snowboard Race Rayman 3
Tricky Treasure/The Lum King (Remix) Rayman Origins
Land of the Living Dead - Chasing a Dream Rayman Origins
Tower of Babel Rayman Legends
Infernal Pursuit Rayman Legends
The Neverending Pit Rayman Legends
Teensies in Trouble Rayman Legends
The Gallery - Toad Story Rayman Legends


Title Description Details Game of Origin Appears In
The Cow Milking Man Rayman Raving Rabbids
The Carrot Juice Rayman Raving Rabbids
Dark Iron Bunnies Rayman Raving Rabbids
Crush Him Rayman Raving Rabbids (GBA)
Singing in the Rain Rayman Raving Rabbids 2
Sanie cu Zurgãlãi Rabbids Go Home
Batuta Din Moldova Rabbids Go Home
Phantom, Razzmatazz Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope

