Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

! The Smashboards thread and Wikia will be deleted in 24 hours. This will also include the Infinite thread. !


Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki
Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

These aew the list ofSpirits in Super Smash Bros. Infinite and Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond. Along with additional spirits being added in during special spirit events, with more expected to come in with updates in the future.

Super Smash Bros. Infinite[]

Super Mario Donkey Kong The Legend of Zelda
MarioSymbol DKSymbol ZeldaSymbol
Metroid Yoshi Kirby
MetroidSymbol YoshiSymbol KirbySymbol
Star Fox Pokémon EarthBound / MOTHER
StarFoxSymbol PokemonSymbol EarthboundSymbol
F-Zero Ice Climber Fire Emblem
FZeroSymbol IceClimbersSymbol FireEmblemSymbol
Game & Watch Kid Icarus Wario
Game&WatchSymbol KidIcarusSymbol WarioSymbol
Pikmin R.O.B. Animal Crossing
PikminSymbol ROBSymbol AnimalCrossingSymbol
Wii Fit Punch-Out!! Xenoblade Chronicles
WiiFitSymbol PunchOutSymbol XenobladeSymbol
Duck Hunt Splatoon ARMS
DuckHuntSymbol SplatoonSymbol ARMSSymbol
Golden Sun Style Savvy Rhythm Heaven
GoldenSunSymbol StyleSavvySymbol RhythmHeavenSymbol
The Mysterious Murasame Castle Astral Chain Wars
MurasameSymbol AstralChainSymbol WarsSymbol
Metal Gear Sonic the Hedgehog Mega Man
MetalGearSymbol SonicSymbol MegaManSymbol
Pac-Man Street Fighter Final Fantasy
PacManSymbol StreetFighterSymbol FinalFantasySymbol
Bayonetta Castlevania Persona
BayonettaSymbol CastlevaniaSymbol PersonaSymbol
Dragon Quest Banjo-Kazooie Fatal Fury
DragonQuestSymbol BanjoKazooieSymbol FatalFurySymbol
Minecraft Tekken Kingdom Hearts
MinecraftSymbol TekkenSymbol KingdomHeartsSymbol
Crash Bandicoot Resident Evil Touhou Project
CrashSymbol ResidentEvilSymbol TouhouSymbol
Plants vs. Zombies The King of Fighters Hades
PlantsVsZombiesSymbol KingofFightersSymbol HadesSymbol
Ace Attorney Sakura Wars Digimon
AceAttorneySymbol SakuraWarsSymbol DigimonSymbol
Guilty Gear Tomb Raider Tales
GuiltyGearSymbol TombRaiderSymbol TalesSymbol
Ratchet & Clank Angry Birds League of Legends
RatchetandClankSymbol AngryBirdsSymbol LeagueofLegendsSymbol
Soulcalibur Doom NeiR:Automata
SoulCaliburSymbol DoomSymbol SpecialStagesSymbol
Mii Super Smash Bros. Other (Nintendo)
MiiSymbol SmashBrosSymbol SpecialStagesSymbol
Other (Third Party) Other (Indie)
SpecialStagesSymbol SpecialStagesSymbol

Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond[]

Sin & Punishment StarTropics Halo
SinPunishmentSymbol StarTropicsSymbol HaloSymbol
Shantae Mortal Kombat Klonoa
ShantaeSymbol MortalKombatSymbol KlonoaSymbol
Undertale Darkstalkers Rayman
UndertaleSymbol DarkstalkersSymbol RaymanSymbol
Team Fortress 2


