Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki
Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

Mystery Island is a new stage from the Animal Crossing universe and inspired by the locations in New Horizons.

Stage Overview[]

Like in Minecraft World, there are multiple versions that appear in every match. Each version has an unique and different layout than the rest but tend to have similar elements across the board.

Normal Island[]

It’s a simple island. The only gimmicks would be a small stream in the middle that you can swim in, and two platforms on both sides of the stage.

Mountain Island[]

Basically, this island would have multiple levels to traverse, similar to Moray Towers. There would be a large three tier mountain center stage. There would be no platforms.

Bamboo Island[]

This island would be filled with Bamboo (shocker, I know). The bamboo would be sturdier then the average tree and will take longer to destroy. You can knock opponents into the bamboo. By destroying all of the bamboo, three small platforms will arrive onto the stage.

Fruit Island[]

An island filled with trees with fruit on them. The fruit can be used to restore health or used to attack opponents. Two Platforms would appear over time.

Tarantula Island[]

A flat island with one large platform in the middle, with one big catch. Tarantulas will appear on the stage randomly and will attack the fighters. When bitten, the fighters will be stunned briefly leaving them wide open to attacks.


These islands could be traveled to in Animal Crossing New Horizons by purchasing a Nook Tickets and chartering a plane through Dodo Airlines. Once arriving, players could collect different kinds of fruit, find creatures, or meet potential villagers and invite them to your island.



External Links[]

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