Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki
Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

N. Sanity Beach is a new third-party stage from the Crash Bandicoot universe.

Stage Overview[]

The stage is rather standard and more in line with stages like Final Destination with a flat surface composed of sand. Surrounding the stage platform is water which induces drowning if players stay there for too long. This makes bottom KO’s caused by attacks to be impossible. Occasionally, a Crate from the Crash Bandicoot will appear which all have different properties.

There are multiple hazards in this stage that makes playing on it difficult:

  • The man eating plant is a platform that bites every 5 seconds of its 15 second appearance. The first two will merely trap you and serve as a mild annoyance and make you easier to hit while the third will have it drag you to the depths. It shakes a little so you can recognise when it’s about to bite
  • When big TNT is stood on you bounce a little and it begins the timer, counting from 3 to 0, once it reaches 0 it explodes, it’s quite a big, powerful explosion (albeit not a 1HKO) and reaches to the edge of the main platform. If not activated it disappears after 8 seconds. Occasionally the Big TNT will spawn with Ripper Roo standing on it, as he bounces to activate it instantly, albeit not avoiding the explosion and ending up flying off stage.
  • The lily pad simply sways back and forth, making it tricky to land on. Disappears after 10 seconds.

Cameos also appear frequently on the stage which includes:

  • Coco
  • Tawna
  • Dr. Neo Cortex
  • Dingodile
  • Crunch
  • Nina Cortex
  • Tiny Tiger
  • Dr. Nefarious Tropy
  • Pinstripe Potoroo


N. Sanity Beach was the very first area players found themselves in during their first adventure in Crash Bandicoot as well as the N. Sane Trilogy.



External Links[]

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