Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

Night Walk is a new stage from the Rhythm Heaven franchise.

Stage Overview[]

The little boxes one each pillar can be jumped off of to reveal flowers and give you a little boost. The boxes will close after a while. Jumping on the boxes gives a small, little boost when timed to the rhythm of the background music. The stage is rather non-descript but pays homage to its home series. Play-yan himself will occasionally float down from his balloons to jump through the stage himself, in which he will trigger all the boxes, have they not been triggered already.


Night Walk is a reoccurring game in the Rhythm Heaven series and is a very iconic part of the game. It’s often featured heavily with different versions of it called remixes. It’s one of the few mini games to appear in every installment.



External Links[]

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