Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

Raccoon City is a new third-party stage from the universe Resident Evil.

Stage Overview[]

The stage consists of a single long platform with walk-off blast lines on either side with three buildings that function as both backdrops and platforms much like Onett. The left side consists of the Raccoon City Subway Station which had a second story platform while the right side has a high fence that extends two stories up. This prevents lower knockouts. In between are two buildings; one with three story platforms. In addition, in the background is a donut shop which stands behind a fence. There is also a barricade fence put up in front of the subway station entrance/exit.

Zombies will periodically flood onto the stage and they appear at three different points. The first is from the subway stairwell, another from the donut shop, and the third from the right border fence. If enough zombies congregate to the fence, they will break it down and charge across the stage. They are fairly weak though and several attacks will incapacitate them. The first two entry points will have no effect on the match if broken down but the third will allow low knockback to enter the blast zone. They will erect back up in about 20 seconds after being torn down and then reset.

Several cameos do appear such as Carlos who will appear near the Subway Entrance and eliminate several zombies that enter the stage. If you successful taunt nearby to him, he will also attack nearby opponents. Nemesis will also appear which renders him unsummonable as a Boss Sphere. He behaves much like his Boss Battles in Classic Mode, Smash Dungeon, and Wishing Stars.


Raccoon City is a small, industrialized city located in Arklay County of the Midwestern United States that succumbed to the deadly T-Virus outbreak and was consequently destroyed via a nuclear missile attack issued by the United States government.

Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield ended up there in Resident Evil 2 and Jill Valentine was chased by Nemesis T-Type in Resident Evil 3, both happened during the outbreak in 1998.



External Links[]

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