Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki
Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

The Rock Pikmin is one of the new pikmin first introduced in Pikmin 3.


They spawn like all pikmin types in the ground like the grass item, their are three types that can spawn that affect speed and damage, those being the leaf bud and flower, when plucked that rock pikmin'a leaf will change color to match the players colors meaning only the one who plucked it can carry it.

When tossed, they do strong damage but can’t latch on, they will track the fighter they will be launched and and the stage the leaf is in makes the rock pikmin faster and stronger too, rock pikmin will continue to follow their target and continue attacking them unitile they either fall off the stage, get attacked to many times, or a minute has passed.

