hey there, it’s me, sans. so, uh, i’m in smash as a fighter now. would’ve loved to just stay a costume but hey, whatever makes you happy. i’m fast, i can build up damage quickly and i have a lotta range, to boot. i’m designed to be a total beast. you could say i’m…smashing to play.
—Description from the Super Smash Blog.
Sans is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond. He was officially revealed during a Nintendo Direct, releasing during the Smashing Time In The Underground event in the game. Sans is classified as Fighter #131.
Sans summons out Gaster Blasters in the direction he is facing and uses them to blast the opponent at 5% damage with 1.5% damage increasing from KARMA. While this move can be spammed ,if used too much, Sans will get tired and Papyrus will fill in for his Neutral Special by summoning a trail of bones that forms the words "COOL DUDE" at the enemy till Sans is ready again. The cooldown would be 15-20 seconds. It does a little more damage but it's less faster. It does no KARMA damage when Papyrus attacks.
Side Special
A simple but iconic attack that has Sans summon a close-knit row of bones from the ground to damage the opponent, the bones deal KARMA damage and are one of the more common ways to inflict the status condition. Sans can hold down the special button to allow the bones to travel farther, allowing the attack to have a surprising range. If the target is on the ground they will be tripped, allowing the attack to deal more KARMA damage. When Papyrus is involved he tosses a bone from above that acts as a potent spike, the purpose of this bone is to spike the opponent into Sans' bones to maximize the amount of KARMA received.
Up Special
Teleport / Blue Mode
Sans can briefly teleport where he would disappear and suddenly appear at any given direction within range in a fair distance. This would not put Sans into freefall as he can freely use any other moves right after. Of course, if used too much. Papyrus will help Sans instead by turning his brother's soul blue to move upwards but will get into freefall.
Down Special
Sans will flash his eye for a brief moment, preparing to counterattack his foe. If the foe strikes him, Sans will inflict the foe with a status where they possess a blue heart for 60 frames + 1 frame per every 1% the attack would've dealt. While in this state, a fighter is reduced to Steve's jump power, but if going beyond the stage, the status effect will wear off. If attempting to initiate DSpec while this is active, Papyrus will appear and summon a trail of bones from his position like they were a bed of spikes dealing medium damage and knockback on hit.
If any opponent gets get by a single bone rising from the ground when his FS is active. It would send them to the Undertale battle bud where Sans to proceed to use his strongest attack like he did at the start of the genocide fight. It may be possible to dodge it but more often than not. You'll get hit with tons of KARMA poison.
If on his last stock and high damage, he will do his last desperate attack which also uses his telekinesis to whip the opponent around but also causes Sans to be fatigued at the end of the Final Smash.
Up Taunt: San takes out a bottle of ketchup and starts to drink it. It has a chance of recovering anywhere from 1, 3, to 5% damage. Papyrus looks in disgust only to buck up when Sans recovers health.
Down Taunt: ans turns to the camera winking and a shrugs as a rimshot plays. As if he’d just told a bad pun. While Papyrus stomps on the ground in annoyance. Papyrus raises his fist in the air.
Right Taunt: Sans turns and his left eye shifts colors. Papyrus jumps in the air.
Left Taunt:A quote box appears above Sans in the typical Undertale format and Sans says a particular quote.
On-Screen Appearance[]
Sans and Papyrus step out of a white rectangle from a black void with Papyrus vanishing and then reappearing on a platform behind in the background.
Idle Poses[]
When standing for a period of time. Sans will fall asleep standing until the player wakes him up by moving. Papyrus would either look disappointed by the lack of anything or makes a cool pose while his cape flows in the wind
Sans shrugs his shoulders.
Victory Poses[]
Sans is seen sleeping but only for his brother, Papyrus, running up to hoist him into the air much to Sans surprise.
Sans holds a medal in his hand, but he doesn't look interested in it and gives it to Papyrus next to him who happily accepts it.
Sans is walking away from the camera before the screen turns to black for a split second. When the black disappears, Sans is sitting at Grillby's with a nice bottle of ketchup to drink.
Classic Mode Route: The Seven Human SOULS[]
Sans's battles replicate the nature of the seven SOULS in the underground.
Ostrheinsberg Chapel
Light Blue is an ally.
The Light Blue SOUL, Patience. Items attributed to this are the Toy Knife and Faded Ribbon, which can be found on Joker.
Black is an ally.
The Blue SOUL, Integrity. The ballet-heavy theme of the items can be attributed to Marin's dance-like moveset.
The Underworld (Elysium)
Orange is an ally.
The Orange SOUL, Bravery. The aesthetic of the items is heavily reminiscent of the gear Ryu possesses.
The Yellow SOUL, Justice. The aesthetic of Leon's default skin can allude to the fangame Undertale Yellow, where the Yellow Child has an old west aesthetic.