Shadow unleashes his fury after patiently waiting for his chance to shine. Coupled with his Chaos energy, Shadow is everything but a weakling. Shadow functions as Sonic's Echo Fighter but don't mention that to Shadow - the differences between him and Sonic are like night and day.
—Description from the Super Smash Blog.
Shadow is Sonic’s Echo Fighter and is classified as Fighter #38ε. He was revealed in a Smash Infinite Beyond Direct on April 27th, 20XX. Shadow shares many similarities with his copy, but possesses some wholly original attacks to set himself apart.
Kirk Thornton and Koji Yusa both reprise their roles as Shadow in all versions of Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond.
Thrusting a Chaos Emerald upwards like in his Assist Trophy animation, Shadow unleashes a burst of power in a radius around him, vanishing the moment it releases. If the burst doesn't hit anyone, he will teleport in the direction of the joystick...but he will instantly lock onto the first foe the radius touches, performing a powerful roundhouse kick that deals 14.5% damage and knocks the opponent a good distance in the opposite of which way Shadow was facing when activating the move.
Shadow becomes Super Sahdow and unleashes a blast of Chaos Eneergy that slows down other opponents to a crawl. He then uses his super speed (albiet slower than Super Sonic's) to dart about the area; dealing high damage to everyone.
Up Taunt: Turns into a ball and performs a circular roll while pushing out dark energy.
Down Taunt: Shadow powers up with either a blue aura or a red aura, depending on whether or not Shadow's in the lead. A subtle little shout-out to his rather infamous game spin-off.
Right Taunt: Does a thumbs-down motion and says "You are washed up." or "You're finished!"
Left Taunt: Shadow turns his back, folds his arms, and says "How pathetic."
On-Screen Appearance[]
Arrives on the Dark Bike and jumps up before doing a pose as he lands
Idle Poses[]
Folds his arms and stomps his foot.
Clenches his fist which slightly glows with dark energy
Victory Poses[]
A Chaos Emerald floats down to Shadow, who grabs it and says "I am the ultimate life form!"
Shadow speeds across the stage, shown only as streaks of Chaos Emerald green while singing parts of the victory platform before stopping in the center, crossing his arms, and saying "Hmph! I'm the coolest!"
Shadow performs a series of punches and kids before doing a flip. He then says "Too bad you met me!"
Classic Mode Route: The Ultimate Lifeform[]
Shadow faces powerful opponents who have all obtained the ultimate form of their power in some way, shape, or form.
Escape from Artaria
Has increased Special attack damage
Samus constantly recieves power armor upgrades.
Spear Pillar
Champion Theme (Heartgold/Soulsilver)
Gradually heals
Mewtwo is the ultimate Pokemon.
North Cave
One-Winged Angel
Has increased Smash attack damage
Sephiroth grafted Jnova's cells to transcend his form