Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki
Super Smash Bros. Infinite Wiki

The Spirit Stone Flashlight is an item found in the Fatal Frame series.


it combines functions from both Fatal Frame IV and V. The flashlight will have two uses: to stun, and to deal damage. However, due to most (if not all) characters in Smash being living beings, it won't have the same effect it does on ghosts. When holding the item, lightly tap Ato stun. It will stun any opponent in a short range in front of it. Holding A will cause it to release a burst of damage (but no knockback) when the button is released. However, the opponents won't be stunned very long. They can as always mash out of the stun. Each of its functions gets only one use on account of it being an old flashlight. If both of its uses are exhausted, it becomes a throwable item for a bit similar to Robin's tomes and swords.

